Wednesday, June 29, 2011

smoke out 12

phil posted lots of great pics from the smoke out! I hardly took any, but I took some cool ones of him sitting on George the Painters bike and him and Steg hanging out with Phil's camera. I think they're all here on his blog.

I might have posted some of these before, I can't even remember anymore!

uncle cub on my gramma's bike

my dad and my granny

Monday, June 20, 2011

smoke out

me and phil are smokeout bound later this week! the shop has been really busy, but I have some old pics to post soon.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

shovfl: best tank EVER

shovfl: best tank EVER: "repost from The Horse . Woo!"

that's just a link to phil's blog which is a repost from the horse! it's like the circle of life in blog form! but anyway it's the coolest thank ever so go look at it.

I'm home sick with the yuckiest sinus infection. I think most people with allergies get sinus infections on the same schedule I do, every time the season changes so I'm sure I'm not the only one home for a day or two this week. amy found some pictures of me and phil on! there's some good ones of her and wes too. I'll post them a little later.